Today I took mom to the Pet News Showcase of new and upcoming vendors. It was weally gweat. I am going to tell you all about it. I ran into my favorite people at Dog Fashion Spa (www.dogfashionspa.com). Dad met them at a New Rochelle event we went to and got some eye wipes fwom them and I love them. This time I got a sample of some weally good perfume - mom even put some on! - and some gweat smelling lotion. You weally have to twy their pwoducts. They have the bestest stuff and they are the nicest people! The next vendor I saw was cardthartic (www.cardthartic.com). They make these vewy cool cards wif dog and cat pictures on them. Mom got a sample card wif a picture that looked like me on it! Vewy cool! Then I pawed over to Burts Bees (www.burtsbeespets.com). Mom remembered them from the Paw Butter and now they have a gweat line of fantastic pwoducts - shampoo, tear stain remover, conditioner, itchy spray - whew! You name it they have it! Mom got a sample of the tear stain remover and tried it on me. I liked the smell of it and she liked the way it worked and all their pwoducts are safe! They are part of the Fetch 4 Pets brand now really gweat products! I stopped off at the Central Park Pups booth and saw the new Hidden Harness Coat (www.centralparkpups.com). It is vewy stylish and the raincoat and pea coat that is coming out is to paw for! Mom didn't get a sample but it sure did look comfy! I made a new fwiend with Innova - they have great food that is made in the USA. Mom got me a sample of the Chicken & Salmon Recipe and boy did I eat it up! (www.innovapet.com) The last vendor I'm going to tell you about is Moshiqa. She is a designer (did you not guess that?) and she has fantastic clothing. I wasn't able to get a sample to try on but I can tell you from her table she had some vewy eye catching attire. Very chic and mom was very interested in the clothing. You can visit her at www.moshiqa.com. Ok, that is it for today! Woofs and licks!