Today the girls and I went to the NYC Re-Tails and Sales Pet Expo. All of the vendors that were there only had Made In New York Products. We walked around and talked to everyone and we want to tell you about a few of the great products we saw. This is Janet Marlow, the Founder and CEO of Pet Acoustics, Inc. She has a great little product that puts out a great sound. It is a little "boom box" for dogs and cats. She has downloaded music into it that is specifically for dogs and it really does work. We were in a loud environment and she turned it on and it soothed the girls. CiCi immediately laid down as you can see in the picture and BB enjoyed it. It is blue tooth enabled and plays on a small speaker with a USB adapter. We usually leave the radio on and all types of music comes out, but this product is a winner for me. I'm thinking stocking stuffer as Christmas is right around the corner. Even better? It is reasonably priced so you won't go broke purchasing one. For more information paw on over to their site and check them out. www.petacoustics.com. Tell them BB and CiCi sent you.